

来源 :       作者 :  办公室      时间 : 2022-07-14     点击数:5387    打印


赵永军,男,生态学博士(后),嘉兴学院南湖学者特聘教授环境工程学科带头人。现主持国家自然科学基金面上项目3项、嘉兴市重点科技创新团队建设项目1项,中国博士后科学基金项目1项,博士论文获南京大学优秀博士论文奖。在Bioresource Technology, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Chemical Engineering Journal, Energy, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, Journal of applied phycology等生物与环境领域重要刊物上发表SCI论文80余篇,授权国家发明专利10余件。现担任国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审专家,浙江省自然科学基金项目通讯评审专家,中国能源环保高新技术产业协会理事,是Bioresource TechnologyJournal of Hazardous MaterialsChemosphere等国际权威学术期刊特约审稿人。




[1] 大型水体富营养化控制机理与生物净化技术应用

[2] 藻类资源化利用机理与技术应用

[3] 人工湿地技术在大型水体富营养化修复中的功能与工程应用

[4] 养猪与水产养殖废水中抗生素抗性基因的生物削减机理与工程应用

[5] 新型碳纳米材料在水体净化体系中的机理与工程应用 


[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31971514):独脚金内酯及其类似物在藻菌共生体净化沼液沼气体系中的作用机制研究, 2020.01-2023.1258万,主持,在研。

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31670511):微藻-真菌共生体高效同步生物净化沼液沼气的共生与作用机制研究, 2017.01-2020.1262万,主持,已结题。

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31370520):基于微藻高效吸收CO2提升沼气能源品位的光生物反应器作用机理研究, 2014.01-2017.1282万,主持,已结题。

[4] 嘉兴市重点科技创新团队(生态修复与生态工程创新团队)2018.01-2021.1260万,团队负责人,已结题。

[5] 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目(LY17C030005):小球藻-颗粒活性污泥共生同步净化沼气、沼液的作用机制研究,2017.01-2019.129万,排名第二,已结题。

[6] 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目(Y16C030015):基于藻菌共生体在光生物反应器中同步高效生物净化沼液、沼气的作用机制研究,2016.01-2018.128万,排名第二,已结题。

[7] 浙江省科技厅分析测试科技计划项目(2014C37049):SE-HPLC-MS联用测定土壤中衍生化有机污染物NO2-PAHs关键技术研究,2014.01-2015.125万。排名第三,已结题。

[8] 国家重大水专项:大型湖泊(太湖)富营养化控制的技术集成(2008ZX07101-001-04),2011-201340万,子课题负责人,已结题。

[9] 中国博士后基金项目:新型准分子紫外灯(206nm)降解水中消毒副产物的机理的研究,项目编号:2012M5107902012-20135万。主持,已结题。


[1] Xuechang Dong # , Jing Wei # , Jing Huang , Chunzhi Zhao , Shiqing Sun , Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者), Juan Liu. Performance of different microalgae-fungi-bacteria co-culture technologies in photosynthetic and removal performance in response to various GR24 concentrations. Bioresource Technology, 2022,347, 126428. 中科院1区,影响因子:11.889.

[2] Hui zhang, Bing Xu, Chunzhi Zhao, Juan Liu , Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者), Shiqing Sun , Jing Wei. Simultaneous biogas upgrading and biogas slurry treatment by different microalgae-based technologies under various strigolactone analog(GR24) concentrations. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 347127033.  中科院1区,影响因子:11.889.

[3] Ming Xu, Zhaoxia Xue, Juan Liu, Shiqing Sun, Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者). Observation of few GR24 induced fungal-microalgal pellets performance for higher pollutants removal and biogas quality improvement. Energy,2022, 244 : 123171. 中科院1区,影响因子:8.857.

[4] Xuechang Dong, Juan Liu, Chunzhi Zhao, Shiqing Sun, Yongjun Zhao*通讯作者) , Hui Zhang * .Effect of different microalga-based technologies on biogas upgrading andnutrient removal by induction with strigolactone and endophytic bacteria. Algal Research, 2021, 59,102467.   中科院2影响因子5.276.

[5] Wenguang Zhang, Chunzhi Zhao, Juan Liu, Shiqing Sun, Yongjun Zhao*通讯作者), Jing Wei*.Effects of exogenous GR24 on biogas upgrading and nutrient removal by co-culturing microalgae with fungi under mixed LED light wavelengths. Chemosphere, 2021, 281:130791. 中科院2影响因子7.086

[6] Wenguang Zhang, Xiaoxia Liu, Juan Liu, Chunzhi Zhao, Shiqing Sun, Yongjun Zhao*通讯作者), Biogas slurry nutrient removal and biogas upgrade in co-cultivated microalgae and fungi by induction with strigolactone. Algal Research, 2021, 59,102467.中科院2影响因子4.401

[7] Jing Zhang, Chunzhi Zhao, Shiqing Sun, Yongjun Zhao*通讯作者), Juan Liu*. Performance of different microalgae-based technologies in nutrient removal and biogas upgrading in response to various GR24 concentrations. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation, 2021, 158105166. 中科院2影响因子4.907

[8] Li Sun, Chunzhi Zhao, Shiqing Sun, Changwei Hu, Yongjun Zhao*通讯作者), Juan Liu*.Nutrient and tetracycline removal from simulated biogas slurry and biogas upgrading by microalgae cultivation under different carbon nanotubes concentrations. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-021-16341-9  中科院3影响因子4.223

[9] Bing Xu , Jia Liu, Chunzhi Zhao, Shiqing Sun , Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者), Juan Liu , Jie Xu, Daoji Wu. Contribution of vitamin B12 to biogas upgrading and nutrient removal by different microalgaebased technology. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (2021) 37:216. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11274-021-03184-2. 中科院3区,影响因子:3.312.

[10] Xiaoxiao Shen , Guangqiu Jin , Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者), Xiaohou Shao. Prevalence and distribution analysis of antibiotic resistance genes in a large-scale aquaculture environment. Science of the Total Environment 711 (2020) 134626  中科院1区;IF: 6.551

[11] Xiaoxiao Shen, Ming Xu, Ming Li, Yongjun Zhao*, Xiaohou Shao. Response of sediment bacterial communities to the drainage of wastewater from aquaculture ponds in different seasons. Science of the Total Environment 717 (2020) 137180  中科院1区;IF: 6.551

[12] Xiaoxiao Shen, Zhaoxia Xue, Li Sun, Chunzhi Zhao, Shiqing Sun, Jinhua Liu,Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者), Juan Liu. Effect of GR24 concentrations on biogas upgrade and nutrient removal by microalgae-based technology. Bioresource Technology 312 (2020) 123563. 中科院1区;IF: 7.539

[13] Chen Sun , Yun Xie , Fang Hou , Qing Yu , Yifan Wang , Xinxin Wang , Chenkang Miao ,Jun Ma , Wenxuan Ge , Tianli Zhang , Weixing Cao*, Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者).Enhancement on methane production and anaerobic digestion stability via co-digestion of microwave-Ca(OH)2 pretreated sugarcane rind slurry and kitchen waste. Journal of Cleaner Production 264 (2020) 121731. 中科院1区;IF: 7.246.

[14] Chen Sun, Yinfeng Xu , Naitao Hu , Jun Ma, Shiqing Sun, Weixing Cao, Changwei Hu *, Yongjun Zhao *(通讯作者). To evaluate the toxicity of atrazine on the freshwater microalgae Chlorella sp. using sensitive indices indicated by photosynthetic parameters. Chemosphere 244 (2020) 125514. 中科院2区;IF: 5.778.

[15] Xiyan Ji , Xin Li , Shichao Wu , Meifang Hou *, Yongjun Zhao **(通讯作者).Effects of graphene oxide on algal cellular stress response: Evaluating metabolic characters of carbon fixation and nutrient removal. Chemosphere 252 (2020) 126566. 中科院2区;IF: 5.778.

[16] Fenglou Ling, Qingwang Su, Hao Jiang, Jingjing Cui, Xiaoliang He, Zhihai Wu*,Zhian Zhang, Juan Liu, Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者). Effects of strigolactone on photosynthetic and physiological characteristics in salt-stressed rice seedlings. Scientific Reports (2020) 10:6183. 中科院3区;IF: 3.998.

[17] Wenguang Zhang, Chunzhi Zhao, Weixing Cao, Shiqing Sun, Changwei Hu,Juan Liu, Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者). Removal of pollutants from biogas slurry and CO2 capture in biogas by microalgae-based technology: a systematic review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 27, pages28749–28767(2020). 中科院3区;IF: 3.056.

[18] Yongjun Zhao, Guangyong Guo, Shiqing Sun, Changwei Hu, Juan Liu*. Co-pelletization of microalgae and fungi for ecient nutrient purification and biogas upgrading. Bioresource Technology, 2019, 289, 121656.中科院1区,IF= 6.65

[19] Shiqing Sun, Xiuling Li, Chen Sun,Weixing Cao, Changwei Hu, Jie Xu, Yongjun Zhao *(通讯作者), Yang A. Effects of ZnO nanoparticles on the toxicity of cadmium to duckweed Lemna minor, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 697-702中科院2区,IF=4.61

[20] Shumei Gao, Changwei Hu, Shiqing Sun, Jie Xu, Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者), Zhang H. Performance of piggery wastewater treatment and biogas upgrading by three microalgal cultivation technologies under different initial COD concentration, Energy, 2018, 165,360-369 .中科院1区,IF=4.52.

[21] Changwei Hu, Lei Liu, Xiuling Li,Yundi Xu, Zhigang Ge, Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者). Effect of graphene oxide on copper stress in Lemna minor L.: evaluating growth, biochemical responses, and nutrient uptake. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018,341, 168–176. 中科院1区,IF=6.065

[22] Weixing Cao, Xue Wang, Shiqing Sun, Changwei Hu, Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者). Simultaneously upgrading biogas and purifying biogas slurry using cocultivation of Chlorella vulgaris and three different fungi under various mixed light wavelength and photoperiods. Bioresource Technology, 2017, 241, 701–709.中科院1区,IF= 5.65

[23] Yuejin Zhang, Keting Bao, Juan Wang, Yongjun Zhao* (通讯作者), Changwei Hu. Performance of mixed LED light wavelengths on nutrient removal and biogas upgrading by different microalgal-based treatment technologies. Energy, 2017,130, 392-401.中科院1区,IF=4.52.

[24] Wang Xue, Bao Keting, Cao Weixing, Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者) , Hu C. Screening of microalgae for integral biogas slurry nutrient removal and biogas upgrading by different microalgae cultivation technology. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 5426. 中科院2区,IF=5.23

[25] Bing Xu, Xue Wang, Jia Liu, Jiaqiang Wu, Yongjun Zhao *(通讯作者)Weixing Cao. Improving Urban Stormwater Runoff Quality by Nutrient Removal through Floating Treatment Wetlands and Vegetation Harvest. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1):7000中科院2区,IF=5.23

[26] Jie Xu, Xue Wang, Shiqing Sun, Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者), Changwei Hu. Effects of influent C/N ratios and treatment technologies on integral biogas upgrading and pollutants removal from synthetic domestic sewage. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 10897中科院2区,IF=5.23

[27] Xue Wang, Shumei Gao, Yuejin Zhang, Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者), Weixing Cao. Performance of different microalgae-based technologies 1 in biogas slurry nutrient removal and biogas upgrading in response to various influent CO2 concentration and mixed LED light wavelength treatments. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2017, 166, 408-416. 中科院1区,IF=5.715

[28] Guangyong Guo, Weixing Cao, Shiqing Sun, Yongjun Zhao*(通讯作者), Changwei Hu. Nutrient removal and biogas upgrading by integrating fungal–microalgal cultivation with anaerobically digested swine wastewater treatment. Journal of applied phycology, 2017, 11:1-10. (中科院3区IF= 2.616)


[1] 赵永军,孙诗清,张跃进,王娟,张慧,葛志刚,徐劼,吴家强,胡长伟. 一种利用藻菌共生体同步净化沼液和原沼气的系统,ZL201610846129.32020-04-07

[2] 赵永军,张跃进王娟葛志刚徐忠厚张慧张晶. 一种利用微藻进行沼液净化的光生物反应方法,申请号201410254134.6.

[3] 赵永军,张跃进张慧葛志刚王娟徐劼赵国华孙诗清. 一种利用微藻高效净化沼液的生物处理方法. 授权号201310726180.7

[4] 赵永军,张跃进张慧葛志刚王娟徐劼赵国华孙诗清. 一种固废厌氧发酵沼液的处理方法. 授权号201310729010.4.

[5] 孙诗清,赵永军,王雪,胡长伟,葛志刚,曹卫星. 罐式光生物反应器的藻菌共生体同步净化沼气沼液方法,ZL201710187312.12019-04-05

[6] 孙诗清,赵永军,胡长伟,曹卫星,刘娟,孙辰. 一株小球藻内生菌及其在促进小球藻生长方面的应用. 中国专利: 201910886058.32020-12-01.

[7] 胡长伟,孙辰,曹卫星,赵永军,孙诗清,张跃进,葛志刚.一种环保型市政分类垃圾桶,中国专利:ZL201910270198.82021-12-03.

[8] 胡长伟,孙辰,曹卫星,赵永军,孙诗清,张跃进,葛志刚.一种环保型污水处理系统,中国专利:ZL201910270195.42021-12-03.

[9] 胡长伟,孙辰,曹卫星,赵永军,张跃进. 一种用于含氰液体脱氰及有价物回收的脱气塔,中国专利:ZL201910270211.X2021-07-16.



[1] 2016年2019年嘉兴学院年度人物

[2] 嘉兴市自然科学奖 等,2018

[3] 嘉兴市自然科学奖(等,2017)


Email:  zyjun2007@126.com              






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